Cybersecurity for Board and Executive

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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Advances in technology offer new opportunities, but also introduce new – and ever-changing – threats. Cyber risk and cybersecurity are a source of frustration for executives and Boards likewise who spend inordinate time and worry trying to protect their data from sophisticated phishing schemes, ransomware, state-sponsored hacking.

Given the massive potential costs to a company’s bottom line and reputation due to a data security breach, cybersecurity risk has become a permanent aspect of business risk that must be actively managed and integrated with business decision-making and processes. Oversight of cybersecurity risk management is now an integral component of good governance and must be a regular agenda item for boards of directors. To effectively protect the corporation from consequences of a loss of information assets, management and directors must build a constructive partnership.

Executives needs to understand that cybersecurity issues are not purely a technology problem—they are multi-headed hydras that need to be addressed with a multi-disciplinary approach to mitigate the cyber security threats organisations face on a daily basis. Getting ahead of hackers and other security risks requires the active engagement of non-technical management, as well as an overall commitment to building a cybersecurity culture within your enterprise. Evidence suggests that there may be a gap that exists between the magnitude of the exposure presented by cyber risks and the steps, or lack thereof, that many corporate boards have taken to address these risks[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]


[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Our cyber security trainers are certified experts in the field. They possess many years of experience in researching, implementing and monitoring all manner of cyber threats.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][service_table title=”COURSE DETAILS” title_background_type=”background_color_type” icon_size=”fa-lg” content_background_color=”#440644″]

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